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信息来源   时间: 2013-06-03  浏览次数:1786078

    "Someone left because her boss lost the dog she had given him."
    "Our employee said he was joining the circus."
    "A staff member left to climb Mount Everest."
    "There was an individual who left to play the trombone."
    "An employee wanted to enter a beauty contest."
    "One worker left to become an apple farmer."
    A few employees` stated reasons were reminiscent of Oscar Wilde`s alleged
    last words, "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."
    "One person quit because he hated the carpet."
    "A worker did not like the color of the walls."
    "She left because she hated the lighting in the building."
    "He quit because he didn`t like the way the office smelled."
    "An individual did not like the sound of cabinets being slammed."
    Strangely, once in a while, someone quits when just taking a vacation day
    probably would have sufficed:
    "One person quit to watch a soccer tournament."
    "An employee left because he wanted to watch a movie with his girlfriend
    during work hours."
    "We had someone quit so he could stay home and feed his dog."
    And then there are the folks who just aren`t all that crazy about work,
    "One person left because she didn`t want to work so hard."
    "The worker told us he just couldn`t get up in the morning."
    "An employee said work was getting in the way of having fun."
    "A staffer quit because informal dress was not allowed."
    "A guy told us he was making too much money and didn`t feel he was worth
    "Someone left because she was going to live off her trust fund." Nice work
    if you can get it。